




The benefits of using Proactive Chat Invitation

Finding the right balance with can be a tricky thing, as we all know how annoying all those pop up windows can be when you are just browsing a website. However, using proactive chat still has many benefits, which cannot be denied.

Proactive chat can help you to:

Provide Support offers a proactive chat invitation feature which is not automated currently, and which thus allows you to use your own judgement when and how to use it.

As the operator, you can look up the Visitors list tab in your operator console, see what pages users are browsing and for how long they have been staying on each page. This can give you an idea that they might be struggling with something on your website and you can send them an invitation to chat.

To invite the visitor to chat:

  1. Click in the Visitors list of the operator console to select the visitor you want to invite.
  2. Right-click in the visitor's row to bring up the context menu and select "Proactive chat". Alternatively, click the "Proactive Chat" button in the operator console toolbar just above the list of visitors.
  3. A new chat tab will open. Type in a greeting and click "Invite" to send it to the visitor.
Proactive chat invitation option in operator app

It will take 10 to 20 seconds for the visitor to see your invitation. This time can increase and take up to 1 minute if you just activated visitor monitoring in your operator console or if you or the visitor have unstable internet connection.

It's up to the visitor to either accept the invitation and start chatting with you, decline it by closing the invitation window or just leave it floating and ignore it.

The invitation window will follow the visitor through all of your web pages where you enabled visitor monitoring, for as long as the visitor does not accept or close it. If he accepted or closed it, you will see a respective system message in your operator console.

If the visitor has declined your invitation, you can close the respective chat tab in the console and then try inviting the visitor again after some time.

Please note, that you can only invite visitors who are not in chat with you or other operators in your company. If they are already chatting with someone else or if you didn't close the proactive chat invitation window which you sent to them previously or they didn't close it at their end, you will see Proactive Chat option disabled for this visitor.

Disabled proactive chat option in operator console

A few tips that can help you to get started with proactive chat and not overdo it:

We hope these tips are helpful to you and you will get your balance with proactive chat just right :)