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Help » Operator Console » Stand-alone Operator Console » Installation » Mac OS

Mac OS


To install Operator Console on Mac OS please follow the instruction:

  1. Download the console installation package from http://www.providesupport.com/downloads/index.html page. Please use the download link for Mac OS
  2. Open directory containing LiveSupportChatSetup.pkg file, double click it to start the installation wizard
  3. After completing installation the console will appear in Applications folder on your Mac

To uninstall Operator Console on Mac OS please follow the instruction:

  1. Exit from the application if the console is running using File / Exit menu item
  2. Go to Finder / Applications
  3. Find ProvideSupportConsole and move it to Trash

To reinstall Operator Console on Mac OS please follow the instruction:

  1. Exit from the application if the console is running using File / Exit menu item
  2. Go to Finder / Applications
  3. Find ProvideSupportConsole and move it to Trash
  4. After that please download the console from http://www.providesupport.com/downloads/index.html and install it anew

See Also:

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