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Help » Operator Console » Stand-alone Operator Console » Installation » Windows



To install Operator Console on your computer please do the following:

  1. Download the console installation package from http://www.providesupport.com/downloads/index.html page. Please use the download link for Windows
  2. Run the downloaded file and follow instructions provided by the installer
  3. After completing installation the console will appear in Start / Programs / Live Support Chat for Websites folder

To uninstall Operator Console please follow the instruction:

  1. Exit from the application if the console is running using File / Exit menu item
  2. Uninstall the console completely using the Start / Settings / Control Panel / Add or Remove Programs item

Note! If the console still runs after uninstalling it, this means that it wasn't uninstalled properly and the console's executable file still exists on your computer. Please install the console anew in this case and then uninstall it properly (please do not skip step 1 of the Uninstall instruction and make sure that the console is not running during uninstall).


To reinstall Operator Console please follow the instruction:

  1. Exit from the application if the console is running using File / Exit menu item
  2. Uninstall the console completely using the Start / Settings / Control Panel / Add or Remove Programs item
  3. Delete the folder where the console was installed (C:\Program Files\Provide Support by default) completely
  4. After that please download the console from http://www.providesupport.com/downloads/index.html and install it anew

See Also:

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