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Help » Operator Console » Stand-alone Operator Console » Options » Spelling


Spell checker with US, Canadian and British English dictionaries, and with dictionaries for Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese (both Brazilian and Portuguese), Spanish and Swedish languages, is built into the Operator Console and ready to use. It automatically checks your spelling while you're typing your message and highlights words that might be spelled incorrectly.

Spelling tab

To enable spell checker please check off Disable instant spelling check option.

Then please choose the needed languages in Choose Languages box. You can choose several languages e.g English (USA) and English (British) and Spanish. All chosen languages will be marked with a green mark like on the following screenshot.

How to choose several languages in spell checker

To setup spell checker to fit your needs, please choose needed options in General Options, Suggest Options and Language Dependent Options.

You can always reset spell checker options to the default configuration with Reset button.

Check spelling

Incorrectly spelled words are underlined with red by the spell checker. You can right click such words and the spell checker will suggest you all possible variants of the word spelling. You can choose one of them or add your word to the dictionary (if it is spelled correctly) or ignore the correction.

How the spell checker works during the chat

See Also:

Карта сайта | Условия обслуживания | Справочное руководство | Выбрать язык

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