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Possibility to delete own chat messages added

Message deletion item in a message context menu

Errors in chats happen. You can accidentally paste a wrong image from clipboard, misspell customer's name or even forget to switch your keyboard layout and send something absolutely meaningless to a customer. It's not a pleasant situation and the best solution is to just quickly delete the wrong message.

It is possible to remove your own messages in active chat rooms in the desktop chat agent app starting from version 7.0.8 and in the web agent app starting September 6, 2023. Messages removed from the chat will disappear in both chat agent app and live chat window and won't be saved in chat transcript.

Possibility to delete messages is permission-based. By default this permission is granted to all chat agents but chat admin can revoke the permission by updating certain chat agent profile in the account Control Panel, Operators table.

September 6, 2023

Google Analytics integration updated. GA4 is now supported

Google Analytics 4 and live chat integration

As you know, starting July 1, 2023 Universal Analytics from Google stops collecting new data. If you want to keep using GA on your website or in your apps, you should migrate to Google Analytics 4.

We updated Provide Support Live Chat integration with Google Analytics so that you could keep tracking your chat window loads, started chats and sent offline messages.

We changed event names to make them compliant with GA4 guidelines. So from now on you'll get ps_live_chat_started event once a chat room has been created on the visitor's side, and ps_live_chat_offline_message_sent event once an offline message has been sent to you via Offline Form.

Add your GA4 measurement ID to your account settings to start tracking your live chat usage with GA4.

June 30, 2023

Customizable sound notifications in the desktop agent app

Custom sounds in agent app illustration

Do you like the default agent app sounds? Some of our customers complained that some sounds were quite harsh and unpleasant for them. If you agree, then the new agent app release is for you!

Assign a custom wave sound for each agent app event and choose the playback device for all sound alerts. If the selected device is temporarily unavailable, the default output device will be used.

Find more information about the new console release in Operator Console version 7.0.7 release notes.

8 марта 2023
