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Chat with customers from your mobile phone

Answering customer questions from a mobile phone can be a little more time consuming versus answering them from a desktop computer. However, if you have fewer chat requests and it makes no sense to you to sit around and wait, mobile chat app may just be the solution for you. You can log into the mobile operator console and be available to customers all the time. You will receive alerts for all new incoming chats and will be able to answer them on the go. Similarly to the desktop console, you can chat with multiple people at the same time. You will see a list of all chatters in the mobile app.

Chat text in Android chat app

Speed up your customer service with canned responses

Using canned responses can save you a lot of time on typing answers to identical questions. All you need to do is to add answers to questions relevant to your company and group them for easier navigation between different categories of questions. You can also use the Search function to quickly locate the right answers and either send them directly to your customers or include them as part of the answer which you may type manually.
Canned responses screen in Android chat app

Monitor your website on the go

It is also convenient to monitor your traffic in real time and see what your customers are doing on your website. You can stay not available for chats but will still have access to real time monitoring results.
Real-time visitor monitoring in Android app for agents

Password preview

Tired of typos while entering passwords on mobile phone keyboard? We made it possible to see the password before submitting login request in the Android live chat app.
Password preview on login

Away mode

It’s not always convenient to handle chats on the go. But it’s always a good idea to stay available for urgent requests. With Away mode, you become invisible for your customers but your colleagues still can contact you for assistance or transfer you chats of high priority.
By using this mode you can stay logged into your console and monitor your agents and their number of chats in real time.
Away mode in chat console for Android

Configurable notifications

In Android mobile chat app it is possible to get different sound notifications for different console events. This way you can easily distinguish whether you get a new chat request or a new message without looking at your phone.
Additionally, long playing notification on incoming customer request won’t let you to miss a chat.
In case you prefer not to receive specific types of notifications, you can disable them via the mobile chat app notification settings.
Visual and sound notifications on chat events